ALM Youth Children’s and Family Work Elective 2020

This course aims to support volunteers or salaried workers who are new to youth and children’s work or for those looking for a refresher course. The 4 sessions will offer a foundation in best practice in children’s and family work, a basic understanding of children’s spiritual development, the theology and practice of children’s leadership as well as team work and programme planning. It will also cover the key principles of youth work, youth culture, and ways to engage young people with questions of spirituality. 

The sessions will be held at Church House Hove BN3 4ED and led by Dan Jenkins (Diocesan Youth Officer) and Revd Dr Irene Smale (Diocesan Children's and Family Work Adviser)

This course is broken into two sections

  • Recruitment
  • Ongoing management and supervision

This course is ideal for any clergy, PCCs or other church worker/volunteer that will be involved either in the recruitment of or ongoing supervision of a youth, children's or families worker.

As part of exploring Environmental Ethics, you will explore the treatment of the environment globally and evaluate whether we have a moral responsibility to do more to protect and preserve the world we live in.

This course is designed to be an introduction to the key principles of youth work and engaging with young people. This will give us a basic grounding of what youth work is and how it differs from other types of education like schools work and teaching.

We will look at young people's view of spirituality and how the world around them, the culture they're immersed in has had an impact on their view of God and how we can start to think about engaging young people in conversations about spirituality and church.